Real-time, privacy-protected performance at scale.
Consumer data is the foundation of media performance. Signal loss and regulation impact precision, inventory choice and advertising effectiveness. Symitri restores the power of data you own.
Your data, your rules—powered for performance.
Real-time privacy firewall.
A double-blind approach to security that enforces control of the data you own.
Real-time performance optimization.
AI-enabled real-time optimization for sub-minute campaign adjustments.
Data cleanroom compliance.
Compliance and data protection
without compromising performance.
Reclaiming control in a data-driven world.
Your data is your competitive advantage and Symitri maximizes the value of your data.
Symitri is on a mission to deliver real-time, privacy-first performance at scale.
Symitri is creating a new balance in the performance value of open-internet digital advertising. In the face of growing audience data signal loss, Symitri Prism and TRUSTX empower advertisers and publishers to prosper in the open-internet ecosystem while safeguarding consumer trust.
Every advertiser and every publisher should get the full value of every consumer data relationship.
Every brand, agency and publisher deserves full transparency and accountability.